Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Your body is designed to release 70% of its toxins through breathing. If you are not breathing effectively, you are not properly ridding your body of its toxins i.e. other systems in your body may work overtime which could eventually lead to illness. When you exhale air from your body you release carbon dioxide that has been passed through from your bloodstream into your lungs. Carbon dioxide is a natural waste of your body's metabolism.

Breathing exercises help you breathe better and
release the toxins in your brain. The human body takes
in a lot of toxic substances, both through the air and
through food and drink. Apart from this, various toxins
are also released in the body as a result of the various
processes that are going on. These toxins have to be
released on a continuous basis or else they will
accumulate in the body with serious CONSEQUENCES .

One of the best ways of releasing these toxins is by
means of exhaling while breathing. One funny fact is that
most of us do not breathe properly. Just take a look at the
picture like this. With each breath that we take, we take
in oxygen. This oxygen is carried by the blood to every
cell of the body and every cell must indeed get enough
oxygen not just to survive but to remain healthy as well.
So it is imperative that we make an honest attempt
to breathe properly. But of course we have to make
sure that we are breathing in unpolluted air. The time
best for breathing exercises is early in the morning when
the air is comparatively unpolluted.

Now what you have to do is this.sit comfortably so that there is no strain to any part of your body. It is not imperative that you close your eyes, but I have always noticed that the exercise works better when the eyes are closed.

When you are ready, what you have to do is to
breathe in deeply and slowly, and feel the fresh air filling
up your lungs until it just can’t take any more. Conjure up
images of the air encircling throughout your body and
reaching every cell, literally bathing it with oxygen. Of
course it doesn’t happen that way but the image helps a
lot. Then hold your breath for a few seconds and then
very slowly exhale letting out all that foul air.

Again conjure up an image of all the toxins being
released from your body. Every cell has become free of
the burden it was carrying. Now pause for a second or
two and again breathe in deeply, slowly letting your lungs
fill up with all that good, clean, rejuvenating air. Repeat
this exercise at least ten times, take your time to do this.
don't rush through it.

When you have done that part of the exercise it is
time for the second part. Again sit with your eyes closed,
but this time, keep one nostril closed with the help of
your index finger. It is best to close the right nostril first
and that too with your right index finger. Now breathe in
deeply and slowly through your left nostril keeping the
right nostril closed. When you have held air for a second
or two, release your right nostril and breathe out through

While you are breathing out conjure up an image of
all the toxins being released form your head and the brain
especially. And as you breathe in conjure up images of
the clean air circulating through out your brain freeing it of
all the worries and trouble and lightening it.

Repeat this exercise with the other nostril closed
and in this way alternate between the nostrils at least ten
times. The entire breathing exercise need not take more
than ten minutes.

Note Breathing correctly is not only important for releasing toxins from your brain but for you to live longer and also to have a good mood and keep you performing at your best...

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