Friday, December 18, 2015


cure cancer

When people become sick, most of the time they rush to the doctor’s office to get medication to mask the problem and not actually become better. Natural remedies are the way to go, and this one is actually famous!
This recipe was created by a Brazilian monk who goes by the name of Romano Zago. You only need a few ingredients, and if you are a health nut like me you probably already have it. And, despite the pressure and the lobbying power of the pharmaceutical industry, this is a recipe that has managed to circle the world. You will find it in a book called, “From the air you can recover.”
50 grams of raw honey
35 grams of fresh aloe6 Tbsp of alcohol; rum, brandy, or whiskey
Clean the aloe leaves with a dry cloth, remove the needles, and then chop it into small pieces without peeling. Put them into a blender, and add the alcohol and honey. Mix well until you get a homogenous mixture. You do not have to strain or cook, just take it straight up one tablespoon three times a day, ½ hour before meals.  Store in a dark container in the fridge.

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