Tuesday, August 4, 2015


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As a person who has a Twitter account, you may be noticing the numbers at the right hand side and wondering what you can do to grow the number of people who are seeing your Tweets. In order for you to grow the number of people you have following you, you will need to play an active role in Twitter. You should be concentrating on being a good friend and Internet buddy first and foremost. If your goal is to populate the web with spam, think again. As many new followers you get a day will be the number, you lose as well.

     Tips For Growing Your Numbers 

The following are a few ways that you can grow the number of people who are following you on Twitter.

1. Communicate often. Like any other type of social media, the only way to be successful at it is to actually use it often. People remember names and faces only when they see

them enough. If you want people to be able to find you arTwitter, you have to use the service often.

2. Re-Tweet. Another way to grow the number of people who are following you on Twitter is to actually ReTweet. RT, as it is commonly found on Twitter, is an easy way to communicate with others. For example, perhaps an Internet marketer is using the service to promote a live seminar. Perhaps there is a contest on a blog. Your RT of their message will help you to gain respect with them, which aids in growing your business.

3. Interact with others. Respond to others when they are talking. Interact with them by leaving a message about their update. For example, perhaps someone posts that they are having a bad day. You interact with them. This gets them to interact with you, allowing their followers to notice you.It goes without saying that one of the worst things you can do for your Twitter following is to spam them. There is no doubt that you can talk to them about anything you want on Twitter, but if you want people to continue to follow you, you do need to avoid spam. People do not want to see five links to your website every hour. Rather, they want to get to know you and what you have to offer to them. With Twitter, the key to growing your website is to have a strong relationship with those you meet.

          How To Follow On Twitter

When you first sign up for Twitter, you are able to use your email accounts as a way of finding people on Twitter who you already know. This is a fantastic service because it allows you to local friends and family you probably would have a difficult time finding otherwise, unless they told you what their Twitter name is. Initially, the process of gaining followers is easy. You simply need to allow Twitter to search through your email addresses at each of your accounts. Then, choose those you wish to follow and off you go.

On the other hand, you also have the ability to follow just about anyone else on Twitter. To do so, all you need to do is to click the "follow" button that is located on their page. Here is how you can do this easily.

1. Log into your Twitter account. Click on the link at the top right of your screen that says "follow people."

2. Provide Twitter with the screen name/email address of each of the email accounts that you would like to search through. You will need to provide your password but this information is not saved by Twitter and is protected fully.
3. A list pulls up that gives you the names of all those who have Twitter accounts. Check the boxes of those you wish to follow.
4. Now, check out who those people are following. Is a business associate following someone interesting? Once you are following them, you can visit their Twitter page and see who they are chatting with. Click on any of the names with the "@" symbol in front of them. If the person looks interesting and you wish to follow them, simply click the "follow" button under their picture of their Twitter page.
5. Build up those who you are following in this way. You can follow anyone you wish to follow, as long as their Tweets are not protected. If they are, you can send a message requesting to be allowed to view their messages. You can also use the search function on Twitter, located at the bottom of the screen through a link, to find people you may know. It only takes a few minutes to get your group going.

Remember; though… the more people you follow on Twitter, the harder it can be to keep in personal touch with them all. Still, for most, having many followers is fun!

      How To Use Twitter For Self Branding 

Twitter can be used for many things. One thing those businesses and gurus out there may wish to use it for is self branding. Self branding, or personal branding, is the method of creating a brand that is all your own. Companies like to use brands because they help to distinguish them from other companies. Most people could tell you the brand names of the top franchise restaurants or department stores, for example, no matter where they lived in the world. Twitter can help you to accomplish this goal for yourself. 
With Twitter, you have a social media platform from which you can talk about just about anything. You can really establish yourself as someone that is sensible, experienced, unique and personable. 

You can also establish yourself as a business leader, an industry guru or a niche professional. People are attracted to those who are natural leaders. More so, they enjoy being connected to the people they thing are on their way up. If you can show them that you have what it takes to make it to the top, they are likely to help you to get there just by using the information you have provided. 
Another way to use this social media website is to use it to draw people in to you without being so unapproachable that you lack the human quality. For example, most people would not approach top executives and interact with them on a one on one level. But, with Twitter, anyone can come together to talk and share together. This is why so many people are using Twitter who were once so unapproachable. For example, many celebrities use Twitter and actually interact with their followers. Politicians use Twitter as a way of connecting with those who they work for: the people. Even President Barak Obama used these services to connect with voters. 

Twitter makes anyone approachable. Personal branding can help you to become something unique in the world. It can help you to grow your online business or to make your ideas come into reality. Because it breaks down so many of the walls that keep you away from people who would support you, people are more likely to listen and ultimately to follow you. Twitter is a simple tool, with just a 140 character per message limit, but it is also a marketing tool that is highly effective and easily in hand.                                                                                        hope this article was helpful please leave your comment

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