Friday, July 31, 2015

20 Ways to Get Rid of or Prevent Stretch Marks


hello Dear, welcome to my post today on tips to prevent stretch marks.

There are several myths surrounding stretch marks. They can happen 
to men and women, young and old. Stretch marks can happen anywhere on the body. There are many reasons stretch marks can develop, from physical changes to dietary changes to environmental factors. And for as many reasons that stretch marks are caused, they can be reduced in severity by several methods too.Stretch marks occur when the skin loses its elasticity and collagen.When the elasticity is gone, the skin cannot “snap” back into place.Usually when it is pulled apart like that, the collagen is damaged too,
which results in the difference in appearance of the stretch mark skin. There are many things a person can do to prevent the development of stretch marks on their body. Some ways are by healthy living, other ways are by getting regular check ups from the doctor.One major cause of stretch marks are from a pregnant body. The skin can only stretch so far without damaging. Thus, when baby stretches too far, the stretch marks are forever imprinted…or so you thought.

When pregnant:

1 - Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Butter hydrates and replenishes dry skin. There are many different quantities and qualities of cocoa butter creams in the store. Pick one brand and try it. If you like it and it seems to work, stick with it. Follow the package directions or rub once a day all over your tummy where stretch marks may develop. This is especially important
when you reach the middle and last trimesters of your pregnancy.Cocoa butter can be used on any skin that is dry or flaky to rejuvenate it.

2 - Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be purchased by itself in a health food or supplements store. It is normally found in a gel or cream. It also hydrates the skin and gives it added elasticity. The added help to elasticity is what prevents future stretch marks from happening. Follow the directions on the package or use twice daily on your growing tummy.

3 - Control Weight Gain

Weight gain is important during pregnancy. However, how you gain the weight is the most important. Slow and steady growth, of one to two pounds per week is safest for you and the baby in the middle trimester. The weight gain should slow during the end. When the weight gain is rapid, the skin doesn't have a chance to stretch naturally. Stretch marks occur from skin that is pulled too tight too quickly. If you can moderate your diet and exercise, it will go a long way to helping control any stretch mark outbreaks.

4 – Enriched Drinks

You can purchase a mix in the health food stores. It is called Calc Fluor 6X. It is safe for you and the baby and contains many vitamins and nutrients to hydrate your body. Follow the package directions. It is suggested to use three times a day every week in your early trimester. Then once you hit midway, alternate weeks of using it. It helps build and repair your skin from the inside out.

5 - Drink lots of Water

Even with all of the products designed to keep you and your skin hydrated, water is still the best option. It is free and available everywhere. Drink eight glasses a day to keep your system flushed of toxins and your skin moisturized.

Creams & Lotions
Scientists have created many creams and lotions full of ingredients to help your skin. These ingredients build collagen and help with elasticity. The same lotions that help with stretch marks have the same effect on wrinkles. Therefore, the skin care products are a billion dollar industry!

6 – Copper

Copper is one of the essential ingredients needed for firm skin. It is used in almost every skincare product available. Products are being created now where copper is the main ingredient. Buying and using copper fortified skin care products builds firmness of the skin and makes it look younger. Toned and fortified skin won’t stretch too fast,
resulting in stretch marks. Rub all over where you may get (or want to get rid of) stretch marks: thighs, butt, hips, stomach and arms.

7 – Moisturizers

Moisturizers are available everywhere from dollar stores to luxury skin care chains. The price range is $1 all the way up to thousands of dollars per ounce. Do they work better? Not necessarily. The important part is you take care of dry skin. The cream, no matter what quality, will have some vitamins and hydrating ingredients that you will benefit from. Keeping the skin moisturized will increase your chances of preventing the dreaded stretch mark.

8 - Retin –A Cream

Retin A cream is a type of moisturizer that prevents wrinkles and stretch marks on the skin. The Retin A is a protein used to build collagen in the skin. The belief is that adding this on top of your skin builds the collagen even further. The more collagen you have, the more elasticity your skin has too. With more elasticity, you have less wrinkles and stretch marks. The Retin A cream can be used as a preventative tool and also to combat existing wrinkles and stretch marks. Retin A creams can be moderate to expensive in price.

9 - Emu Oil

Using Emu Oil to treat stretch marks is one hot new trend in the skin care fight. It contains fatty acids, which have been found to help many skin ailments, not just stretch marks. It is an all-natural product that is healthy for every individual to use. The Emu Oil can be purchased in liquid form to drink, pills to take daily and as a cream to apply topically. The Emu Oil will repair any damaged skin and keep it healthy.

Another way to prevent stretch marks is by exercising. Exercising keeps your muscles firm, but your skin firm too. Firm skin is healthy skin, and healthy skin stretches naturally, without causing stretch marks.


10 - Sit Ups

Sit on the floor and with your legs straight in front, bend your knees and bring your feet flat to the floor. Slowly, lay your upper body down so your back is resting on the floor. Lower legs slightly. Put your hands behind your head and raise your upper body as far as you can manage. Do 25 sit ups per day to keep the skin taut. In addition to helping the skin, your abdomen muscles will be flatter.

11 – Crunches
Crunches are similar to sit ups, but in reverse. Lay with your back on the floor. Pull your legs up so your knees and thighs are pressed against your chest. Slowly release legs down and straight out, and then bring them back up to your chest. Repeat this process 10-20 times, or as many as you can do. This exercise helps prevent stretch marks in the abdomen and hip area.

12 – Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are great for the hip, thigh and buttock area. Lie on one side and use your hand to support your head. Brace the other arm in front of you on the floor for additional support. Bend your knees slightly.Raise the top leg and hold for two seconds, then lower. Repeat this process 25 times.Then roll over and repeat for the other leg.

13 – Squats

Squats will build up your muscle tone in the thigh, hip, abdomen and buttock areas. Muscle tone in these areas will keep fat deposits from occurring, which then leads to stretch marks. Stand tall, with your feet parallel to your shoulders. Put your hands on your hips and slowly squat down, keeping your butt perpendicular to the floor. After a few of these, your thigh muscles will begin to protest. If they do too much, aim for ten a day and build up your tolerance.

14 – Push Ups

Push-ups are good for preventing stretch marks in the upper arm and breast area. Lay straight down on the floor, with your palms down on the floor. Use either your knees for balance or your feet and push up with your hands. Hold for two seconds and then lower to the floor again. If you need to build up strength in your upper body, start with ten a day and increase to 25.

15 – Walking

Walking is great for your entire body. It keeps your legs, arms and cardiovascular system in good working order. Walking also keeps the muscles and skin in your lower body firm and stretch mark free. Walking doesn't have to be at a fast pace, just regular speed and for 20 to 30 minutes, three or four times a week.

16 - Jogging

Jogging is for the more trained athletes. Jogging will work the muscles in the hips, legs and thighs a little faster. Jogging tones the skin and helps keep stretch marks away from the high prone areas. If you aren't used to jogging but would like to start, begin slowly. Walk at a brisk pace for several weeks to build up strength and tolerance. Then try jogging for short periods of time and extend out to longer periods of time when you are comfortable.

Outside Help
When exercise and creams don’t erase the stretch marks to your satisfaction, medical intervention is possible.

17 – Surgery

There are many forms of cosmetic surgery available to erase your stretch marks. Find a certified plastic surgeon in the area and have several consultations until you feel comfortable to make a decision to have the surgery. They will explain the procedures open to you, the risks, the side effects and whatever other questions you may have.Surgery to remove stretch marks can be skin removal, liposuction and lifts. The costs vary from person to person and doctor to doctor. Your
insurance company probably won’t cover the expense either, so check with them too.

18 - Laser Surgery

There is a new laser surgery, which claims to be painless with great results. The laser is guided over the skin and sends waves deep into the skin, triggering the chemicals that build collagen. The collagen growth is jump started, and the stretch marks are supposed to disappear after repeated visits and laser treatments. The cost is very expensive as this is a new procedure and not widely practiced yet.There are many steps you can take in your daily life to avoid the possibility of getting stretch marks.

19 - Keep Hydrated

Drinking lots of water and fluids keeps not only your body healthy, but your skin too. Water keeps your skin firm and the collagen strong and healthy. When the collagen is strong, the skin will pull naturally and easily, with no stretch marks popping up. Water also flushes the toxins out of your body. When the toxins are removed from your body from constantly being flushed, they are also pushed out of your skin.

20 – Keep Skin Healthy

Clean skin is healthy skin. At least once daily, clean your face. This is especially important before bedtime if you wear makeup. Removing the makeup opens up the pores and allows the skin to breathe. Skin needs air to keep growing and creating new cells. The new cells keep your skin soft, smooth and wrinkle and stretch mark free.

                                                         hope this tips where helpful 

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